Admission Requirements
Adults, out-of-school youths, and students at least 18 years of age may attend RMCTC Adult Education courses. Depending on circumstances, students under the age of 18 may attend after completion of a Request for Permission for Secondary Student to attend Adult Evening Classes form.
Books/Material Fees
Books and materials are included in the cost of RMCTC evening courses.
Change of Contact Information
If you change your name, address, phone number, or e-mail address, please notify the Adult Education Office with the updated information. It is important the RMCTC has your current information in case we need to contact you.
Class Cancellation
The Adult Education Program Coordinator at RMCTC reserves the right to cancel, postpone, or reschedule any class due to insufficient enrollment or unforeseen circumstances. All students will be notified via telephone, e-mail, or U.S. Mail of class cancellations. If a class is cancelled by RMCTC, all students will be refunded 100% of the cost of pre-paid tuition and fees. Course dates & times are subject to change based on the school calendar and weather conditions.
Class Attendance Policy
All students are expected to attend classes regularly and to make satisfactory progress in their course. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class. Instructors will note when a student arrives late or leaves early, and will notify the Adult Education Office if the student is frequently absent or tardy. Students are required to attend a minimum of 80% of scheduled classes to successfully complete the course and receive their certificate.
Class Confirmation
A confirmation of enrollment will be mailed to the address listed on the registration. Students should report to class on the first scheduled night unless informed otherwise. If unsure where to report, please check in at the Adult Education office located in the main office and you will be guided to your classroom.
Course Fees
All fees must be paid in full at least two working days prior to the start of class, unless payment arrangements have been made with the Adult Education Coordinator. Course fees cover the cost of instruction and maintaining school equipment. Fees may be paid by cash, check, VISA®, MasterCard®, Discover® or company purchase order. Fees are NOT refundable or transferable to another student after the start of class.
The primary entrance/exit for adult students is the main entrance door in the front of the building. Please be advised that the Reading Muhlenberg Career & Technology Center Building will not open until 5:45 p.m. on Monday & Wednesday evenings, and a staff member will be available in the main office from 5:45 p.m. – 9:15 p.m.. RMCTC Evening School classes are not scheduled to begin until 6:00PM, and our instructors will not be in their program areas before 5:45 p.m..
Evening Course Academic Requirements
Ability to read, write, and speak English. Statement: RMCTC classes are currently taught in English. If you need to increase your English language ability, please contact our Office for a referral to ESL (English as a Second Language) class.
The school is designed to train students in the vocational fields and offers state of the art equipment. Our program areas are reviewed twice a year by volunteers from business/ industry to ensure our curriculum, equipment, and the safety aspects of our labs meet the needs of the community.
Please keep the following procedures in mind as you attend a course at Reading Muhlenberg Career & Technology Center:
- Hazards may be present in the use of any type of shop tool or equipment. Registrants for classes through the Adult Education Department assume full responsibility for their own welfare and protection. Our instructors will make every effort to train students in the proper use and care of equipment prior to allowing students to work on the equipment.
- In order to comply with state safety regulations, students working in hazardous areas must wear safety goggles and wear the proper attire as identified by the instructor.
All food and refreshments are to be confined to the cafeteria or designated areas before the start of class or during the break time designated by the instructor.
Grading System
Grades are not generally issued for courses. Enrollees receive a Certificate of Completion based on attendance and course requirements. Exceptions to this are courses that require a passing grade which is determined by the Accrediting Agency ( i.e. PA State Inspection and Emissions).
Refund Policy
Refund requests are subject to a $35 processing fee. A full refund will be provided if the course is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment. Please allow four to six weeks to process a refund. If a student cannot attend the first scheduled class, he/she must contact the Adult Education office 48 hours prior to the first night of class, or no refund will be given.
Registrations are accepted on a first come, first served basis. Register early. All classes are subject to enrollment minimums. Students that wait until the last minute to register may find the class is cancelled, full, or rescheduled. Please help by registering early to ensure a positive experience for everyone.
School Closings
In the event that the day school is closed, then evening courses are automatically cancelled. For information regarding an RMCTC closing, tune to your local radio or television station or web site. Visit WFMZ TV 69 News.
Smoking is not allowed anywhere on school grounds (including in vehicles). Please refrain from smoking until you are completely off campus. Abuse of this policy will likely result in a fine and/or termination from a registered course.