High School Application & Admission Requirements
- Who May Apply to Attend RMCTC?
Students in grades 10, 11, and 12 who reside in the Muhlenberg or Reading School Districts may apply to attend RMCTC. Students must complete the RMCTC application process to be considered for admission. Students may obtain an RMCTC application on the RMCTC website, or by contacting the RMCTC Student Services Office at 610.921-7310. Students must complete the online application as the first step in the application process. For high school students who are not enrolled at Muhlenberg or Reading high schools (students who are home-schooled, attending private school or parochial school, etc.), they may print the application from this website and submit it to their school counselor.
- How is Admission Granted?
Enrollment at RMCTC is limited. Therefore, each applicant is evaluated based on the information provided in the application, including the student’s academic records. More detailed information can be viewed at the attached LINK. The most qualified applicants will be granted admission until all openings in that program are filled. The remaining applicants are then placed on a waiting list for potential placement as openings occur in those programs.
- Application Deadline!
Since there are a limited number of openings each year, students should have their application on file at RMCTC by the third Friday in December for the next school year. Applications submitted after Wave 1 of application submission will be considered on a space available basis.
Questions?: Please call 610-921-7310.